What to Know in the Wake of Apple’s iOS 18 Release

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, messaging has become a cornerstone of customer engagement.  And short messaging services (SMS) — a standard whose development started over 40 years ago — has long been at the center of mobile marketing.

With Apple’s recent announcement of RCS support in iOS 18, however, we stand at the precipice of a new era in mobile messaging. This seismic shift presents unprecedented opportunities for businesses to elevate their customer engagement strategies.

What is RCS Messaging?

Rich Communication Services (RCS) is an advanced messaging protocol designed to replace SMS, offering enhanced features such as multimedia messaging, read receipts, typing indicators, and interactive buttons. It allows businesses to provide richer, more interactive, and personalized experiences in their mobile communication efforts.

First introduced by the GSMA in 2007, RCS was initially slow to gain traction due to a lack of standardization across devices and carriers. However, with widespread support from Google, Android, and now Apple with iOS 18, RCS is rapidly becoming the global standard for messaging. Apple’s adoption of the RCS standard in iOS 18 signals the imminent widespread adoption of this technology, marking a turning point in the future of mobile communications.

Key Features of RCS

RCS elevates messaging by offering a variety of capabilities that traditional SMS lacks:

  • Multimedia messaging: Send images, videos, gifs, and audio directly within the message.
  • Interactive buttons: Allow customers to take quick actions like scheduling, purchasing, or confirming appointments.
  • Read receipts and typing indicators: Enable real-time feedback and enhance customer engagement.
  • Business verification: Ensures messages are sent from legitimate, verified businesses, increasing trust and security.
  • Group messaging and enhanced privacy: Support for dynamic group chats with more robust privacy settings than SMS.

At Experiture, we’ve long supported RCS as part of our commitment to omnichannel customer engagement. Our platform allows businesses to seamlessly integrate RCS into their communication strategies, unlocking the full potential of this advanced messaging protocol.

RCS vs. SMS: A Detailed Comparison

Although SMS remains a widely used and reliable messaging service, it has significant limitations compared to RCS. Here’s how RCS stacks up against SMS in key areas:

Feature RCS SMS
Connection Type Needed Internet connection (Wi-Fi, cellular, mobile data) Cellular network (no internet required)
Character Limit 8000 160 characters
Max File Size 10 MB 300 KB
Supported Media Images, videos, gifs, video, audio, documents Text, Links (SMS) images, video, audio files (MMS)
Support for Read Receipts Yes, with real-time read receipts and typing indicators No
Support for Location Sharing Yes No
Support for Video Calling Yes, integrated video call buttons No

Differences in Analytics and Engagement for Marketers

One of the most significant advantages of RCS over SMS lies in the wealth of data and insights it provides to marketers. SMS analytics are limited, often only providing delivery rates and rudimentary read rates (often estimated). In contrast, RCS offers rich data on:

  • Message open rates: Get real-time feedback on how many users open and interact with your messages.
  • Click-through rates (CTR): Track how users engage with interactive buttons within the message.
  • Time spent interacting: Measure the duration of user engagement with media and interactive elements.
  • Conversion tracking: Monitor how users respond to calls to action, like scheduling an appointment or making a purchase.

These advanced analytics allow marketers to refine their campaigns with real-time feedback, optimizing messaging strategies for better performance.

Engagement and Response Rates

RCS has been shown to outperfo rm SMS in several key engagement metrics. Studies reveal that RCS messaging leads to a 74% higher engagement rate compared to SMS. Furthermore, the average response rate for RCS campaigns is around 45%, compared to just 4-6% for SMS.

The ability to include multimedia and interactive elements in RCS messages significantly boosts engagement. Customers are more likely to respond to messages that offer visually compelling content and the convenience of quick actions, such as purchasing or scheduling directly from the message.

RCS adoption is growing rapidly across the globe. Major regions such as Europe and Asia have seen a surge in RCS users, supported by carriers and Android devices. In North America, Apple’s decision to support RCS with iOS 18 marks a tipping point that will likely accelerate adoption.

More carriers and devices are supporting RCS every year, and the unification of messaging between iOS and Android devices means that users worldwide can finally experience the full benefits of RCS.

Implications for Marketers

The rise of RCS presents immense opportunities for marketers:

  • Enhanced customer engagement: With RCS, businesses can create more immersive, visually rich campaigns that deliver higher engagement and response rates.
  • Personalized and actionable content: The ability to include interactive buttons, multimedia, and personalized content opens up new possibilities for more dynamic campaigns.
  • Real-time data for optimization: RCS provides marketers with detailed insights into customer interactions, enabling them to continuously refine their campaigns for better performance.
  • Increased trust through business verification: Verified business profiles reduce the risk of spam and phishing, improving customer confidence in communications.
  • Improved customer service: With RCS, businesses can provide more engaging customer support, including real-time chat, multimedia sharing, and interactive forms for troubleshooting and inquiries.

At Experiture, we integrate RCS capabilities directly into our platform, allowing businesses to seamlessly incorporate RCS into their omnichannel engagement strategies. With our built-in AI and personalization features, businesses can deliver highly targeted and impactful RCS campaigns.

Next Steps for Marketers

To stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on the growing adoption of RCS, businesses should:

  1. Transition from SMS to RCS: Begin shifting from traditional SMS campaigns to RCS-enabled messaging workflows.
  2. Leverage rich media: Use RCS to send visually rich and interactive messages that will resonate with customers.
  3. Track and optimize: Use the advanced analytics capabilities of RCS to continuously improve messaging strategies and drive better engagement.
  4. Partner with trusted providers: Work with platforms like Experiture to ensure seamless integration of RCS into broader marketing campaigns.


The adoption of RCS by Apple with iOS 18 marks a new era in mobile messaging. As RCS becomes the standard for both iOS and Android users, businesses have the opportunity to engage with customers in more meaningful, interactive ways than ever before. Experiture is here to help you leverage the full power of RCS for your omnichannel marketing strategy.

Want to learn more about how you can use RCS Marketing in your marketing strategy? Explore how Experiture can help you integrate RCS into your marketing campaigns. Request a demo today to see how RCS can elevate your customer engagement efforts.